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German Mayors of Bruenn
March 1849: |
was only since 1850 that the citicens of Bruenn were permitted to elect
their mayors. Even
then the mayors “decission-making”
needed a common consense and had to be confirmed by the higher
state authorities. |
1851 – 1855 | Anton Ritter von Haberler | |
1855 1861 | Dr.Rudolf von Ott | |||
1861 1864 | Christian d´ Elvert | |||
1864 1866 | Alfred Skene | |||
1866 – 1867 | Dr.Karl Giskra | |||
1851 |
German Mayors, who were elected from 1851 till end of World War I in 1918, gave essential impulses for the development and modernization of the town in respects to the welfare and well being of all the citizens, independent to their nationality. | 1868 1870 | Dr.Rudolf von Ott | |
1870 1876 | Christian d´ Elvert | |||
1876 1880 | Dr. Karl van der Strass | |||
1880 1894 | Gustav Winterholler | |||
1894 1916 | Dr.August Wieser | ||
1916 – 1918 | Ferdinand Schnitzler | |||
1939 – 1945 | Oscar Judex |
Anton Ritter von Haberler
was taking care for the welfare of the people and for charity
installations, he initiated the extension and consolidation of the drainage and
sewer system as well as the building of a new bridge over the Schwarza River and
the establishing of the new cemetery.
Dr.Rudolf von Ott
continued the work of his predecessors in respect to drainage and sewer,
his special interest was concentrated on the school system and continuation of school installations. During his
time in office, the installation of street illumination by gas lantern began.
Christian d´ Elvert
In his two periods of
being mayor, new schools were established, streets paved, the streets
illuminations improved and he took care of landscaping bare lands by planting
trees and shrubs, in particular for the then bare Spielberg with its fortress.
Alfred Skene
took care of the poor and arranged
to have new schools build, where he introduced “Physical Education”
for the first time.
Dr. Karl Giskra
the work of his predecessors during the relatively short time he held office.
Dr. Karl van der Strass
Completed many of the
improvements of his predecessors
Gustav Winterholler
Instituted the class of
Kindergarten and promoted the construction of the new city theater (with the
first electric illumination in an European theater). He succeeded also in
providing for the destitute, in building a bridge over the Schwarza River and by
the foundation of the new Central Cemetery.
Dr. August Wieser
became the mayor, serving
the longest time in office. He introduced the city to modernization. During his
term in office a gas and electric plant was set up, street cars and street-light
system were converted from gas to electric, an employment and childrens welfare
office was established for the city, a new section of the city was developed and
a modern maternity ward was installed. Special attention was paid to the city
employees, the elderly, widowed and orphaned.
Ferdinand Schnitzler
governed the city during
the last two years of WW1. Because of the continuation of the war, he could only
protect the existing improvements.
Oskar Judex
Was appointed as mayor after Hitler’s troops occupied
Czechoslovakia and it was declared a Protectorate. Soon after
WW II broke out, Judex was
still able, to make two important decisions: to correct and improve the traffic
conditions and to finish the “Ringstraße”, ( circular street,
following the old city fortifications line).
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